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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Evangelism Vision: a Lifetime Change
Freedom Baptist Theological Seminary Evangelism Vision: A Lifetime Change A Paper Submitted to Dr. Harold D. Bryant In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course Contemporary Evangelism EVAN 565 By Michael McKelvey 19 August 2011 What is the principal thing that flies into your head when you consider evangelism? That’s terrifying! Am I going to be dismissed? It’s not my profound blessing! This paper clarifies the Great Commission and its relationship to evangelism on the vision and challenge of what God is doing in my life in the region of evangelism. It likewise takes a gander at how I consider evangelism, gives clarification of evangelism and difficulties my reevaluating on how evangelism should be possible in a manner to assist me with starting to share my confidence in new and regular manner. The Christian understanding of the Great Commission to share God's Word through evangelism is characterized beyond the congregation and best comprehended by first talking about the idea of evangelism in Christianity. The composition of Dr. David Earley and Dr. David Wheeler, Dr. Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee, Richard Leach, William Fay, and the recordings from Dr. David Wheeler have helped my feelings of trepidation of evangelism. This semester I have learned and grown new observations and difficulties about evangelism which has tested my perspective. The manner in which I think revolves around three parts of Christian observer: Physical Service, Spiritual Conversation, and Intellectual Conversation. The principal part of evangelism can be portrayed as physical incorporates things like: Social Justice, Acts of Service; taking care of the hungry and dress the poorâ€anything that epitomizes consideration as well as altruism. It is the physical help that we accommodate individuals who have needs anyplace whenever. For instance Dr. Wheeler says that â€Å"Ministry evangelism and hireling evangelism . . . deliberately try to address people’s issues so as to open the entryways for the gospel message. †This demonstration of caring assistance will prompt a Spiritual discussion bringing about the Holy Spirit assuming responsibility. The second part of evangelism manages focusing on otherworldly discussion. I think the gospel itself is communicated during this stage. I routinely take a gander at my day and miracle about the discussions I may have with individuals. I take a gander at my rundown of companions that I’m petitioning God for and check whether I’m being directed to go have the following discussion with them. I’m at a phase of life where I don’t have enough contacts; thusly I’ll work at making a few. Besides, following the Holy Spirits’ lead by verbally broadcasting the gospel and welcoming the audience to react is the thing that we can call announcement or declarationâ€it is the verbal articulation of the gospel message. McRaney states that, â€Å"Ultimately, just God opens and readies the heart to get the gospel. It’s likewise the real evangelism perspective. I list this second since it at that point leads into the third viewpoint. The third part of evangelism is scholarly discussion, where I should have the option to have and fit for using Systematic Theology and Apologetic. Saying I utilize Systematic Theology or Apologetic method is only an extravagant method of sorting out my contemplations on what I accept about God and why I am a Christian. Rational theology is the means by which you answer questions concerning the confidence that you have and clarifying your purposes behind holding them. Now, the utilization of Fay’s â€Å"Share Jesus Without Fear†book will prove to be useful. In any case, I have discovered that at last we need to depend on the Holy Spiritâ€remember our job: we are liable for contact, while God is answerable for transformation. In any case, some portion of that contact doesn’t essentially include being set up to utilize the scholarly part of our Christian observer, however fundamentally depends on one’s declaration. Dr. Earley says, â€Å"Sharing your story makes evangelism individual and social . . . since when individuals hear you out, rather than being an expert sales rep, you are a fulfilled client. Every one of the three are significant parts of the Christian observer, yet it is imperative to get that, while exhibiting and disclosing your confidence add to the evangelistic procedure, just announcing the gospel is evangelism. As we probably am aware from Scripture, where there isn't a dream, the individuals will die. In view of this, my own vision as it identifies with the mix of vangelism into all aspects of my life has become an extraordinary weight upon my heart. The vision that I hold for the coming days as well as more so as a lifestyle can be depicted using the concentric circles of worry as illustrated by Thompson. Depicting the concentric circles Thompson states, â€Å"Many of us come to contemplate evangelism to go from Circle one how to Circle seven to spare our souls on the grounds that there are cracked connections encompasses two through six that we want to skirt. †With this as a top priority, begins my vision for incorporating evangelism into all aspects of my life. First is my relationship with Jesus Christ, second is my relationship to my better half and afterward to my youngsters. Third, is to my sibling and my sisters followed by my family members, etc, for example, neighbors and partners, associates, and individual X. One of the most huge effect this class has had on my perspectives on future service, evangelism, and increase, association in chapel planting as a training clergyman is my craving to answer the call of the Great Commission as I fuse my showing obligations toward satisfying the instruction. The Great Commission of making devotees of the sum total of what countries has been a weight and vision shared by me. A prime segment of my change understanding and of the Lord carrying me to apology was grasping the obligation to be a practitioner of the word and not a listener (or talker or knower) as it were. As I found a way to adjust my life and stroll to God’s word, extraordinary changes happened in my technique for tending to the lost. Filter and Wheeler noticed that overlooking the open doors for service or have gotten things done for others without having a worker soul is a transgression. Things being what they are, how might I defeated this blame of not forcefully sharing my confidence? My expectation is that by God’s beauty, He will keep me touchy to where He is grinding away. As I consider a congregation plant and having a â€Å"evangelism ministry†to my locale I know my own stroll with the Lord Jesus is the place everything starts. The realm of paradise starts first, in my own heart. My longing is to be reliable in supplication in any event, when it feels like He doesn’t hear me. To peruse and consider God’s word in any event, when new and new bits of knowledge are not coming. To oppose allurement when interests are solid and nobody (with the exception of God) is viewing. To serve others when I am frail, tired, or out of vitality. This is the place evangelism to my locale starts sharing the product of a changed life. So as to answer the call to proselytize, one should initially comprehend what the Great Commission is. In the book â€Å"Evangelism is . . . †by Dave Early and David Wheeler, Earley clarifies the word commission as â€Å"a military term meaning a legitimate request, charge, or heading. †I have learned hireling evangelism by making an appetite to impart my confidence to other people. Evangelism has gone from being a dread inciting idea to turning into the manner in which I need to live in Christ: as strolling declaration to Him and noting the call of the Great Commission with my words, my day by day activities, my overhauling others, and by disciplines others to answer the call to proselytize. Most Christians need to share the gospel, however never imagine a future in service that includes evangelism augmentation or church planting as it identifies with growing genuine pupils who enthusiastically want to increase their observer. Sooner rather than later I would like to build up a workshop that centers around how to assemble social scaffolds to those with whom you need to share the gospel. Perusing Dr. Drain and Dr. Wheeler’s â€Å"Minister To Others†illuminate me to the way that, â€Å"No matter what your job is in tending to somebody in the case of building a scaffold, asking, addressing a need, calming a weight, empowering, or sharing the gospel-God is welcoming the individual into His realm through you. †To carry on with a way of life of evangelism I should live â€Å"Incarnational†by mirroring my confidence in the facts of the Bible through my mentalities and activities. As per Dr. Wheeler, â€Å"Incarnational†Apologetics is the agent open and private way of life of a Christian that approves to the world the total facts of the Bible. Carrying on with a â€Å"Incarnational†way of life is an issue with today’s church individuals who are hesitant to share their confidence. This is another zone where I confess to being blameworthy due my many church exercises. Figuring out how to share Jesus unafraid is cultivated by figuring out how to be powerful communicators in all that we state. For instance, in â€Å"the Art of Personal Evangelism†William McRaney Jr. eminds us that, â€Å"our objective is to be viable communicators and clarifiers since individuals matter to God†William Fay’s â€Å"Share Jesus Without Fear†is one of the most affecting books I have ever perused. Fay says that there are two kinds of individuals â€Å"Those who talk about the lost and the individuals who converse with the lost. â⠂¬ Because of this course, I have figured out how to invest energy with family and understanding its significance has expanded incredibly on account of this course. Dr. Channels noticed that, â€Å"88 percent of the kids who experience childhood in our holy places leave the congregation and stay away for the indefinite future. As it were, teaching must start inside the home with guardians investing energy with and ingraining Christian qualities in their kids. Learning the significance of family in evangelism solidly accepts that connections and network are the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Trail Of Tears Essays - Cherokee Nation, Cherokee, John Ross
The Trail of Tears We are currently going to withdraw and kind goodbye to our local land, the nation that Great Spirit gave our Fathers, we are just before leaving that nation that gave us birth? it is with distress we are constrained by the white man to stop the locations of our childhood?we say goodbye to it and all we hold dear. This is the way that Cherokee Vice Chief Charles Hicks portrayed, in 1838, the feelings that more likely than not been felt after the abuse and the maltreatment that was created upon the Cherokee Indians. It was a path of blood, a path of death, at the end of the day it was known as the Trail of Tears. In this history of the Cherokee Nation we are attempting, however without progress, to be as impartial as could be expected under the circumstances. It's the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson is mounting up powers against the Pro-British group of the Creek Indians. The United States requested for Cherokee support for help in war against Tukumsa and another Indian known as Red Sticks. The Cherokee Nation answered with six to 800 of their best warriors. It was this war were the Indians battled next to each other with Jackson. After an arrangement in 1814 was constrained on the Creek Indians, the Cherokees documented cases for there lose. There was no guarantee that their cases would be recognized. This would welcome on the greatest selling out on the Cherokee Indians, Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson requested the meeting of twenty-3,000,000 sections of land of land to the United States. The Cherokee Nation, be that as it may, claimed Four million sections of land of this land. The Cherokees fought again to Indian operator Jonathan Meigs in the War Department. By and by their previous partner called these cases Cherokee interest. Andrew Jackson at that point proposed with troops as of now in the field this would be the ideal time to expel Cherokees just as Creeks out of Tennessee. The Indian Removal Act was presented by Andrew Jackson and was passed by Congress in 1830. This demonstration was to constrain the Indians west of the Mississippi River. This was to a great extent completed by General Winfield Scott and his military of approximantly 7,000 soldiers, in May of 1838. At the point when the military showed up in New Echota Georgia thousand of Cherokee Indians would be gathered together with trawls and wrote up in wooden barricades. By June 5, 1838 it was asses sed that solitary 200 Cherokee had gotten away. There were between fifteen to seventeen thousand Cherokee held in these rough prisons, where they would anticipate their long ruthless excursion west. This course from Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, lastly finishing off with Oklahoma, would later be alluded by Cherokees as Nunna-da-ul-tsun-yi, or the path on which they Cried. The excursion on which the Indians voyaged would bring numerous passings because of starvation, dry spells and sickness. There were two fundamental methods of movement, via land and waterway. Stream travel was troublesome if certainly feasible on the grounds that low waterway levels because of the dry season. All things considered it took 645 carts, 5000 ponies and bulls and waterway vessels utilized essentially for the evil. Award Foreman, Dean of Indian Historians, recorded this horrifying period. He expressed that the climate was amazingly hot, there was a dry spell, and water was rare and there were choking out dust storms blended in with the oxygen. He likewise expressed that at any rate three in any case, up to five individuals passed on every day on the path. Before the finish of June 1838 a few hundred Indians were wiped out. On June 17, 1838 General Charles Floyd of the Georgia volunteer army kept in touch with Governor Gilmen of New Echota that they were persuaded that ther e were not, at this point any Cherokee in Georgia. This would remain constant that they prevailing with regards to expelling the Cherokee from the state, however not totally from the east. This would welcome on an incredible supporter of the Cherokee individuals, a white man by the name of John Ross. John Ross crusaded vigorously for the Cherokees. Ross was a piece of the movement the board panel. Ross convinced General Scott to favor a financial plan for the hostage Indians of Seventeen pennies for every Indian every day. This was twofold the sum figured by congress. This cash was
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cost Accounting Foundations and Evolutions
Question: Estimating pertinent expenses and incomes while taking choice on substitution of gear and re-appropriating of work is significant. Examine the equivalent. Answer: What is applicable expense and how is it straightforwardly proportionate to the incomes is the thing that all associations center at while taking essential money related choices. Applicable expense essentially focuses at the measure of money outpouring that will occur to create the sufficient measure of income. There are different circumstances where expenses are to be caused to have the option to infer determined incomes. Two dynamic circumstances, for example, choice on substitution of a hardware and re-appropriating choices requires nitty gritty conceptualizing comparable to the significant expenses to be brought about and how much incomes will such a choice create. Supplanting a gear is a key choice which any association takes as it impacts its progressing procedure of assembling and furthermore supplanting a fixed resource includes immense expenses of procurement, establishment and execution. These expenses must be brought about after due investigation of the measure of incomes it will create and how might it help to build the efficiency of the worry by decreasing the expense of creation. The primary focus on substitution of any hardware is essentially to guarantee that the expense of creation lessens altogether with the goal that benefits increments and the nature of creation can likewise improve. Further the current machine which is to be supplanted additionally is of critical worth (Hafeezm, 2012). The cost that would be acquired in keeping up it in the event that is more than the incomes that the firm creates, at that point the equivalent ought to be supplanted and the expense brought about is viewed as applicable in nature. Further such a n expense is considered to e important as in this serious world new strategies of creation are constantly given need and clients are more pulled in towards such associations who are better outfitted and consistently refreshed with the most recent innovation. Additionally types of gear in the wake of working for its evaluated life won't yield a lot of substitution esteem. Consequently such misfortunes are stayed away from by selling those old types of gear well on schedule in order to have the option to improve resale estimation of the supplies. Consequently choice with respects substitution of a gear requires the associations to have an exhaustive examination of how might such a substitution influence its expenses and incomes. How might it help to expand the efficiency of the worry and furthermore increment incomes by including more clients, decreasing the expense of creation subsequently expanding benefits and piece of the pie all the while. Better marking is likewise conceivable i f the creation procedure is modernized and well prepared. (Drury 2008) Another significant choice that influences the cost-income model for any worry is the settle on or purchase choice. This is one such territory which requires mind racking at a miniaturized scale level. The expenses to be brought about while creating an item indigenously or getting it from different makers is a vital choice as the income age will fluctuate contingent on the choice taken. Its unrealistic for any association to create all its crude materials inside thus they should redistribute some piece of it (Kinney, Raiborn, 2009). In the event that delivering an item would cost for all intents and purposes the equivalent whenever created inside the association then it is in every case better to redistribute the item with the goal that the association would then be able to concentrate on delivering or producing those items which are plan explicit and can't be re-appropriated. Such kind of cost is important as it assists with lessening the weight of the association all things conside red. The top administration would then be able to convey there human capital elsewhere and get most extreme incomes from the costs they have incurred(Boyd, 2015). Further if a relative examination is accomplished for creating or re-appropriating of an item which can be re-appropriated effectively, one will see that then the expenses brought about for its creation is immaterial and avoidable. The organization can haggle better with the re-appropriating offices and save money on time just as human capital expenses. Further the incomes will be created quicker likewise as the other organization is required to gracefully merchandise on schedule and if not the organization is obligated to guarantee pay additionally which it would not have the option to do if there should be an occurrence of in house creation. Further if in future the said item isn't required it can undoubtedly prevent the buy from the market however the equivalent would not be conceivable in the event of in house creation (, 2015). In this manner a choice in regards to bringing about of the expenses with respects acquirement of merchandise ought to be taken simply after a point by point cost investigation is done between purchase versus make costs. As these would influence the incomes too. The expenses are significant just in the event that it empowers to create satisfactory measure of incomes as wanted. In this manner what cost is significant and how much income would it help to create is a choice to be taken subsequent to thinking about all the upsides and downsides. Substitution of a gear ought to be finished contemplating the substitution costs, the mechanical progressions and how might it empower to expand the incomes of the association. Along these lines all choices accompany their own advantages and disadvantages which ought to be concentrated in detail and weighed as needs be before showing up at a choice. References: Boyd, K., 2015, To Outsource or Not to Outsource : a Cost Accounting Decision, Cost representing Dummies, saw on nineteenth July 2016, or-not-to-re-appropriate a-cost-accounting.html Drury, C., 2008, Management and cost bookkeeping, Pat Bond: Italy, 2015, Make or Buy Decisions, saw on nineteenth July 2016, decisions.html Hafeezm, 2012, Managerial Accounting Decision Making : Relevant Costs and Benefits , saw on nineteenth July 2016, Kinney, M.R., Raiborn, C.A., 2009, Cost Accounting : Foundations and Evolutions, Thomson: Sputh Western
Monday, June 15, 2020
An Analysis Of The Film “Homecoming King†By Hasan Minhaj 2017 - 550 Words
An Analysis Of The Film â€Å"Homecoming King†By Hasan Minhaj 2017 (Reaction Paper Sample) Content: Name Course Professor Date Homecoming King The film â€Å"homecoming King†by Hasan Minhaj is a 2017 Netflix comedy showcasing the life of immigrants in the United States. The starring, who is also the writer of the video, Hasan Minhaj grows up in an India American Muslim background. The story begins with Minhaj’s parents getting married in India before moving to America and ends with him auditioning for Jon Stewart. Minhaj is a United States born child to Indian parents who moved to the country in hope for a good life and fulfill their dreams. His mother returned to India to further her studies as a doctor; therefore Minhaj stayed with his father in his childhood in America (Minhaj, 23’). Her mother later rejoins them in the United States with a five-year-old sister who Minhaj did not know. The video describes the experiences of Minhaj in trying to fit into the American culture as well as their Indian traditions; he calls this the New Brown America. During his stay in America, he is bullied and mistreate d. He also finds it difficult to maintain his relationship with his American girlfriend Bethany Reed, because of the racial differences. Additionally, in a flashback, Minhaj remembers how their family car was vandalized after 9/11. Reflection The video successfully characterizes the life of an immigrant in the United States. Minhaj’s story brings out the lives of immigrants in various countries but Minhaj faces the societal expectations, he is adamant to prove that the immigrants and the hosts are all equal. Heroism Despite his humble background and being an immigrant, Minhaj is able to be successful in life. In his life through high school, he is discriminated and treated as an outcast because of his race but, at the end of the video, he is shown as a successful performer performing for Stewart. A tale of two Americans The video is based on stories of two individuals, Raisuddin and Mark. Raisuddin, before moving to America was working for his country’s air force. He found a job as an attendant at Dallas minimart. On the other hand, Mark is presented as an American born child who had bad childhood experiences. He was detained as a youth before being imprisoned when he was of age. Mark grew up and became a white supremacist. After 9/11 attack, mark went into the mini-mart and shot three people; one is Raisuddin, and two other attendants (Giridharandas, 5’). Only Raisuddin survived the shot but afterward was left by his girlfriend and a hospital debt. Raisuddin later worked hard and took a part-time job as an IT attendant. He eventually got a good paying job. Later in the video, Raisuddin was able to forgive mark publicly for shooting him, but he could not save him from being executed. Reflection In the video, both the main characters experience deferent backgrounds. This seems to shape th...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Introducing the National Multiple Sclerosis Society into...
Introducing the National Multiple Sclerosis Society into Singapore The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a non- profit organization that supports MS related research and provides programs for people with MS and their families. Multiple Sclerosis is an auto- immune disease. It is a chronic and often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system. The mission statement of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is to end the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis. The funds that are provided by the society are used in research, programs, and education. The Society helps to raise the awareness of Multiple Sclerosis around the world. (Reference 6) The Multiple Sclerosis Society is a worldwide organization that provides†¦show more content†¦Republic of Singapore Singapore was founded as a trading colony by the British in 1819 and became and independent country in 1965. Today Singapore is one of the world’s most prosperous countries. Singapore is located in Southeastern Asia. It is not a very large country and is compared in size as being â€Å" slightly more than 3.5 times the size of Washington D.C.†(Reference 1) The People and Culture The population of Singapore comes to 4,151,264 and consist of many different ethnic groups, such as, Chinese, Malay, India, along with other groups. Singapore has four Chinese 77% Malay 14% Indian 7.6% Other 1.4% Official languages-Chinese, Malay (the national language) Tamil, and English. Because of Singapore’s diverse ethnic groups the people of Singapore practice different religions, including, Buddhism (Chinese), Muslim (Malays), Christianity, Hindu, Taoists, and Confucianism. The people of Singapore celebrate their culture with festivals according to different religions. Singaporean culture is a mix of many different nationalities and though Singapore is increasingly developing its own identity many people still hold on to the customs of their ancestors. Singapore has also been considered the food capital of Asia offering a mix of Chinese,Show MoreRelatedThe National Multiple Sclerosis Society in Singapore1921 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction: The National Multiple Sclerosis Society In Singapore The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a non- profit organization that supports MS related research and provides programs for people with MS and their families. Multiple Sclerosis is an auto- immune disease. It is a chronic and often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system. The mission statement of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is to end the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis. The funds thatRead MoreDamodaran Book on Investment Valuation, 2nd Edition398423 Words  | 1594 PagesEquity Models Chapter 15: Firm Valuation: Cost of Capital and APV Approaches Chapter 16: Estimating Equity Value Per Share Chapter 17: Fundamental Principles of Relative Valuation Chapter 18: Earnings Multiples Chapter 19: Book Value Multiples Chapter 20: Revenue and Sector-Specific Multiples Chapter 21: Valuing Financial Service Firms Chapter 22: Valuing Firms with Negative Earnings Chapter 23: Valuing Young and Start-up Firms Chapter 24: Valuing Private Firms Chapter 25: Acquisitions and TakeoversRead MoreLeadership for Health and Social Care and Children65584 Words  | 263 Pages7) 222 Promote awareness of sensory loss (SS 5.2) Support the use of assistive technology (SS 5.3) Explore models of disability (SS 5.4) Support individuals with sensory loss with communication (SS 5.5) 226 228 231 233 Support individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities (SS 5.6) 236 Support children s speech, language and communication (EYMP5) 239 Understand the needs of children and young people who are vulnerable and experiencing poverty and disadvantage (CYPOP 17) 243 ProvidingRead MoreGsk Annual Report 2010135604 Words  | 543 Pagesof world pharmaceutical market. (Source: IMS Health) 3 Leading presence in Consumer Healthcare global categories: OTC, Oral Care, Nutritionals. Financial statements P102–P191 GSK’s business model A balanced, synergistic business, with multiple growth drivers supporting a core pharmaceutical RD operation. Responsible business Malaria vaccine Potentially the ï ¬ rst malaria vaccine with phase III trials ongoing in 7 African countries. 300 million Commitment to supply 300m doses of Synï ¬â€šorixRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesLoughborough University and Colin Gilligan Professor of Marketing Sheffield Hallam University and Visiting Professor, Northumbria University AMSTERDAM †¢ BOSTON †¢ HEIDELBERG †¢ LONDON †¢ NEW YORK †¢ OXFORD PARIS †¢ SAN DIEGO †¢ SAN FRANCISCO †¢ SINGAPORE †¢ SYDNEY †¢ TOKYO Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 First published 1992 Second edition 1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 Third edition 2005 Copyright  © 1992, 1997
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A World Without Work By Derek Thompson - 1169 Words
As the future approaches, automation and technology are quickly evolving and diminishing the amount of jobs available for Americans. American work-life has evolved drastically over the years. Certain jobs are being replaced by drones and robots, leaving many Americans unemployed. It has caused a slight shift in how we work. However, the continuation of work is still alive. In the article â€Å"A World Without Work,†(2015) the author Derek Thompson expresses how people are losing their jobs. Nevertheless, they’re using their hobbies and talents to generate money. Someone might sell their poetry and written work when they have lost their job generating income while also fostering creativity. President Nixon’s â€Å"Address to The Nation on Labor†¦show more content†¦They maintain their productivity and civic spirit in a world changing due to technology and automation. Nixon prattles about American productivity and work ethic because the US was going th rough an economic recession. Nixon addresses the various concerns Americans have over the declining economy. He acknowledges the changes occurring to the labor force and economy. Both a â€Å"A World Without Work,†and â€Å"Chapter 10 Part, 1†of The Wealth of Nation screed on a world where technology and automation are exponentially increasing, the fundamental principles of labor and economy have not changed. In Thompsons â€Å"A World Without Work,†he mentions, â€Å"A constellation of Internet-enabled companies matches available workers with quick jobs, most prominently including Uber (for drivers), Seamless (for meal deliverers), Homejoy (for house cleaners), and Task Rabbit (for just about anyone else).†Labor and economy persists, people are still being employed, and in fact, they are using technology to further assist obtaining jobs. In â€Å"Chapter 10 Part, 1†of The Wealth of Nations the author Adam Smith argues the five principal circumstances as to why some jobs are paid more than others. â€Å"First, The wages of labour vary with the ease or hardship, the cleanliness or dirtiness, the honourableness or disho norableness of the employment†(Smith, 1904, Para. 5). Furthermore, this first principal Smith is stating a job s wage will depend on how unpleasantShow MoreRelatedA World Without Work By Derek Thompson1698 Words  | 7 Pagesunable to withstand powerful gusts, an argument without evidence is unable to fend off the attacks of logic. This is the case in Derek Thompson’s article, â€Å"A World without Work,†which was published in The Atlantic in July/August 2015. Challenging modern society’s view that the sole purposes of work are to earn money and boost self esteem, this article asserts that work also plays an important role in holding together a community. 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Athanasou, professors of the Health Sciences and Educational department in the Latrobe University, Australia report that job loss is correlated to aRead MoreCollege And An Arts Degree1456 Words  | 6 Pagesproblem with artists because the most an artist will make is close to $50,000 a year. Excessive amounts of tuition can be very discouraging on the pursuit for a life you want to live. The amounts of debt people go through is completely out of this world. This next example is only an example to see what the extremes of debt would be like. According to Jason C. White who has a Ph.D in Arts management from Ohio State University has stated that in between the years on 2008 and 2012 the average studentRead MoreA Separation Of Social And Economic Classes1664 Words  | 7 PagesIn today’s world computers, machines, and other forms of te chnology have seemingly started to take over the workforce as society looks to constantly improve and speed up the progress in the working world. 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OZ Supermarket Management
Question: Discuss about the Business Operations and Improving Customer Services OZ Supermarket . Answer: The OZ Supermarket retail market was opened recently. They are offering various types of product, such as family products, stationary products and non-perishable items (Turolla, 2016). They have tried to set up alternative methods for the customers to buy and purchase the products. The authorities at the supermarket have identified that it is very irritating and time consuming for the customers to stand in queues for billing procedure of their purchases at the supermarket. In addition to this the shopping process also becomes very complex and problematic. Hence, the supermarket has introduced this new method of billing system for their customers. This new method would make the customer happy and satisfied and would encourage them to opt for the supermarket more often. In the new procedure of the billing system the supermarket decided to abolish the system of making the payment via cash (Ngu Scott, 2015). They tried to opt for cashless procedures. In addition to this the supermarket has also tried to introduce the automatic billing system. The authorities have considered using the espouse Pay Wave Technology for the implementing the system they are intending to use for the billing purpose in the future. This system would allow the buyers to simply walk into the store grab their products and the billing would be done automatically. This new concept would change the idea of the billing system in the entire retail chain business in the world. In the process that is to be followed in the supermarket the shopper can simply walk into the market complex and take an item and simply put it in their trolley. Now, the trolley that are present in the supermarket have been equipped with the RFID or the Radio Frequency Identification system (Yang et al., 2014). The RFID does the labeling and tagging procedure of the products. For the labeling procedure of the items of the market a chip is used which is installed in the products. These chips would contain all the details of the products such as, the name of the product, the product id, the price of the product and the status of the product. In addition to this, a radio wire is placed with the tag of the products. The products can be traced with the help of the chips that is placed in them. In addition to this the chips that are fitted in the trolley can detect the chips that are installed in the products. Thus when an item is kept in the trolley the chip in the trolley detects the item and register it in the bill of the person that is buying the product (Wang et al. 2014). In this process the total bill is summed upped for the buyer as the buyer purchases more products. The total sum is deducted from the balance of the buyer when the buyer exits the shopping complex. In addition to this the details that are tracked by the chip are updated instantly in the company database. And also, if the customer do not require the item anymore, then they can place it back to the place they took it from and the details of the item would be removed from the account of the customer. In addition to this, the customer is provided with the PayWave card. As soon as the customer reaches the exit doors with the products the customer is billed for the products, and the bill is deducted from the balance of the customer. The system also has methods in the system to stop the people from illegal activities and prohibit them from stealing or procuring the items without paying the money (Amendola et al., 2014). The system has an alert system which goes off if the bill of the customer exceeds the balance of the customer. However the system has proper methods to tackle the situation. In case the customer does not have the proper amount of balance in the card with which he wants to buy a product, the customer can simply go to the front desk and refill the balance in the card. In addition to this if any customer does not have a Paywave card enrolled to his name, then he would be provided with a temporary card from the supermarket in which the customer can recharge it with cash and purchase the products of his needs. In case the customer has extra balance in his card it would kept I accounts and carried forward for his next visit. In addition to this the supermarket also has some policies for the parking system in the market (Ellickson, 2013). For aiding the financial side of the business, these policies have been adopted by the authorities. In the peak season the supermarket charges high rate of parking fee from the customers, while in the lean seasons the parking rates are lowered significantly. In addition to this the parking charges for the disabled and the handicapped are waived off. Recommendations Although the supermarket has some excellent operational tactics in place, but some recommendations are provided for the company. Enhanced Billing system: Firstly, in addition to the prepaid policy the super market has in place they can also have some credit policy in place for the Paywave card (Rothman Zimmer, 2013). It will allow the customers to purchase items even if do not have and a card or cash with them in the moment of emergency. This would allow the supermarket to credit them the balance and charge them later on when they refill the balance in their card. This would allow the supermarket to maintain proper business relationship with the customers and also enhance the perspective of their business. Staff satisfaction: Secondly, if the supermarket adopts these policies for implementing the operational changes in the business a large number of staffs would lose their jobs (Bornemann-Shephered, 2015). Hence, supermarket should look to assign the staffs in some different positions or activities in the Supermarket. This would increase the efficiency of the business of the supermarket and also keep the staffs satisfied. Monitoring: Thirdly, it should be seen that all the detection components are used are working properly and are to be kept under proper monitoring procedure (Crabtree, Zappala Tavner, 2014). This would maintain the efficiency of the business. The planned changes that are thought of are very apt and suitable for the supermarket. It has increased the ease of access for the customers of the supermarket. This is because no kind of business can survive in the market with only the financial efficiency, they also require the customer satisfaction that will increase the reputation of the company. The authorities of the supermarket had taken note of this fact and looked into the matter with great eagerness and developed a plan for improving the billing system of the supermarket. As a result of this the customers can easily come into the supermarket and complete their shopping very easily without the fear of standing in the long queues for the billing of the products that they had purchased. In addition to this the supermarket also can implement a feedback system in place where they would receive the feedback from the customers after the purchase. This system would help the supermarket to rectify the areas where the customers feel that, there are issues that they need to solve to make the system more efficient. The supermarket can take certain measures to implement this procedure: Product and Service rating System. In this the supermarket can take feedback from the customers about their product and the servicers (Ghobadian et al., 2016). In this system the customers should have an option about providing rating for the service they receive at the supermarket. In addition to this they should also have a product rating system in place so that they can provide the product rating after the use. The customers of the supermarket are to provide the service rating as soon as they exit the supermarket and provide the product rating only after they use the products. The system should calculate the overall ratings of any type of product and calculate and post the result so that they would be helpful for both the customers and the supermarket authorities. It would act as a guideline for both the customers and the experts in that audit with the product reports. Hence, it would increase the overall product efficiency for the supermarket. Online Portal for the customer feedback. The authorities should look and implement a customer feedback system for the supermarket where the customer can provide the ratings and the feedback regarding the services and the product of the supermarket (Tanpure, Shidankar Joshi, 2013). The portal should be online and active 24/7. In this portal the customers should also be able post queries and concern regarding the service and the products of the supermarket. This would help the customers to communicate with the supermarket officials more easily. And hence, a healthy communication relationship would be maintained in between the customers and the supermarket. This would be increasing the overall customer satisfaction towards the supermarket. Implementation of website for the company and provision of customer services in it. The company should implement a website in which the details of the company are provided for the customers to gain information from it (Cappel Huang, 2014). The information such as the operational activities of the supermarket, the list of working days or the days when the company would be closed. In addition to this the website would also be post the advertisement for the supermarket as of the products and the new facilities that the supermarket are providing. The advertisement about the products could be about the sale of the products or introduction of newer products into the supermarket. In addition this the time of the seasonal sales can also be notified to the customers. In order to perform this activities the customers would require to create an account of themselves in the website. The account would provide information about the customers on the website. There can various types of information such as, information about the PayWave card, which are the balance in the card, the validity of the card. In addition to this the customer should also be provided the details about the history of the purchases that they have made from the supermarket and also the details about the exchange of the products if they have made any. In addition to this the website of the supermarket should also have an of the customer service that would provide the customers to contact the customer care executives at moment of time clear out their doubts about any kind of the operations of the supermarket. As a result the overall reputation of the supermarket would be enhanced efficiently. Customer Support System within the Supermarket In addition to all the online services that customer are to be provided with, the customer support system inside the supermarket should also be implemented (Jaakkola Alexander, 2014). There should be implementation of customer service exclusive for the customers who purchase the products in addition to the existing customer services desk. These desk would have staffs who would help the customers with the products that they would like to exchange and also make the customers understand the exchange policies of the supermarket very aptly. The staffs would concerned with the exchange methods of the products. They should properly check the items and note the defects in the items and also the customer grievances that are related to the items. In addition to this they should see to it that the customers are provided with a replaced product of same specifications. In addition if any customer wants to return the products and would want of procure the price of the product, then the staffs sho uld also act to the situation. In this they should make the customers understand the product return policy of the supermarket aptly and perform the process of returning the product efficiently. In addition to this section of the supermarket should also contain a drop box system, in case a customer wants to provide reviews for the product and the services anonymously and do not want to reveal their identity. Hence, this would enhance the overall relationship with the customers for the supermarket. References Turolla, S. (2016). Spatial competition in the French supermarket industry.Annals of Economics and Statistics/Annales d'conomie et de Statistique, (121-122), 213-259. Yang, L., Chen, Y., Li, X. Y., Xiao, C., Li, M., Liu, Y. (2014, September). Tagoram: Real-time tracking of mobile RFID tags to high precision using COTS devices. InProceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking(pp. 237-248). ACM. Wang, L., Da Xu, L., Bi, Z., Xu, Y. (2014). 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